Since it seems that hair is just about anyone’s crowning glory, there are ever-increasing ways to make it appear thicker, longer, healthier, and glamorous. Hair extensions are one way to achieve these improvements, and there are other alternatives to hair extensions that can be of help. With the number of options and substitutes out there, here are 10 that provide alternative choices in boosting hair appearance.
1. Wigs
Wigs have almost always been go-to alternatives to hair extensions as their versatility is endless. Since wigs have been around for centuries, their quality and functionality have only improved over time, as have their availability and affordability to almost anyone, and they have become even more popular as a means for immediate hairstyle changes. They are a great alternative to hair extensions as they can do much more than just lengthen or thicken hair.
A wig can address thickness, texture, color, length and can be instantly adjusted to accommodate face and head shape. In comparison to an extension, a wig totally covers the hair and scalp and can conceal and camouflage hair loss or any other cosmetic flaws or health-related conditions.
A wig can be easier to maneuver as well, particularly if it has its own interwoven cap to make placement and adjustment fast and easy. Whether natural or synthetic, wigs are definitely an immediate solution to any complications related to hair.
2. Natural Collagen Extensions
Natural collagen hair extensions are a healthier alternative to more traditional hair extensions as they have all the qualities of human hair, but are made from 100 percent natural collagen protein, as opposed to the keratin protein composition of natural hair. Natural collagen extensions contain all the qualities of human hair without the kind of maintenance that human hair requires.
Natural collagen extensions can be washed, blown dry, brushed, combed, curled, and styled without tangling, breakage, or possible hair loss, plus they are affordable and have the look and feel of natural hair. There are questions and answers that can be accessed concerning collagen extensions through the following site, which gives a good rundown on extensions made from collagen protein.
3. Hair Halo Extensions

Halo Hair Extensions are a new method of extending hair. Most hair extensions are designed to make the hair appear thicker and longer, and they are attached directly to a person’s hair, but a halo extension does not require the same kind of attachment method. This kind of alternative extension is applied through an invisible and comfortable wire device that goes around the crown of the head.
Surrounding hair is then pulled over the wire, which covers the extension with a person’s natural hair. The final look is one of thick and long hair that is mixed with an individual’s own hair. Since this type of extension doesn’t directly attach to the hair, the surrounding hair is allowed to remain healthy and manageable.
4. Sewn-in Weave
Sewn-ins or weaves have become another popular hair extension choice. A weave allows a wearer to change hair length, color, texture, thickness, and volume, and they are adaptable to almost any type of hair, plus they are cost-efficient because of their limited upkeep. They are usually made of human hair, as synthetics are harder to work with as well as style. A hairdresser should put in the extensions, as the process can take several hours to put in place.
Maintenance should occur every 4-6 weeks, and replacement should take place every six months. Though upkeep is minimal and time constraints aren’t restrictive, sewn-ins can be painful once they are initially placed as they have to be sewn in tight. Also, headaches can occur with this process.
They are actually placed through creating cornrows on the entire head and are reinforced with thread. Once that procedure is completed, wefts of hair, or what is called tracks, are sewn into the extensions. Specific layers of the hair are left out towards the front, back, and sides in order to allow for up-sweep hairstyles.
5. Clip-in Bangs

Clip-in bangs are an efficient way to quickly change the look of a hairstyle, plus they are a good alternative to extensions without the hassle of cutting hair to create a bang effect. There is no risk with clip-in bangs, and it is a fun way to change a hairstyle without transforming a whole head of hair and regretting possible cutting mistakes.
All that is necessary to use clip-in bangs is to match hair color and a style choice. Most clip-in bangs are available in both synthetic and natural hair. They are easily removed to create a more sophisticated style or they can be swept to the side of the face to create a more layered look.
6. Natural Alternatives
There are certainly natural, alternatives to increasing the length and thickness of hair without utilizing extensions. Hair volume can be increased through diet and supplementation. Consuming salmon, eggs, bananas, carrots, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and citrus fruits are among the many foods that are recommended for hair growth.
Biotin (Vitamin B7), collagen, and other hair-growth stimulating supplements are among those that can be of help with maximizing hair thickness and texture.
Other more natural ways to increase hair growth and volume include: limiting shampooing to once every three or four days, reducing blow dryer and hairdryer use, limiting hair brushing and using leave-in natural conditioners and hair growth boosters. Massaging the scalp with essential oils is also recommended. Almond, rosemary, and peppermint oils are considered good hair-growth stimulators.
7. Hair Blending Extensions
Hair Blending Extensions are one other alternative to all types of hair extensions. They are handcrafted from superior natural hair and are a cut above beauty salon extensions, clip-ins, wire extensions, taping, gluing bonding, and sewing. Hair blending extensions are not detectable in the hair and are not damaging to the hair and scalp.
They require no anchoring other than through their in via fiber base, which allows the hair extension to easily go over the entire head. The base enables the user to take underlying hair or hair from the side, front or back, and blend it in or glide it through the extension hair. Once the blending is completed, styling can be done quickly and efficiently. Any balding, hair thinning, or open scalp areas are covered with little to no worries about a see-through catastrophe or other problems.
Colors are custom blended to enhance a person’s complexion and natural hair color and other styles are easily achievable. Of all extension alternatives, hair blending enhancements are some of the most realistic and comfortable of any type of extension.
They are secure and cannot be blown off in the windiest of conditions and even swimming and other outdoor activities aren’t deterred by this extension. No salon maintenance is necessary and customizing allows for a superb appearance as well as a firm yet comfortable fit and feel.
8. Micro Ring Loop Hair Extensions

Micro ring loop hair extensions are designed for users who want a quick and easy alternative to a more time-involved extension. This type of extension is not only easy to use but it is less costly than other extensions. It is a do-it-yourself type of extension that is usually made of human hair that is available in a number of hair colors, styles, and lengths.
They are luxurious, yet easily placed and styled. A hairstylist is not required for the attachment phase only requires about 10 minutes. They are attached through a cold fusion process, which means that a strand of hair is separated and it is pulled through the microbead which is clamped.
Once the clamping process is completed, the extensions are there and will not detach themselves, plus the beads are literally invisible so no one can see them or realize that a person is wearing them. This type of extension is lasting, easily maintained, and can be worn for a few months at a time without removal.
9. Crown Topper

A crown topper is another hair extension alternative that is an easy fix for those with hair loss or thinning hair that occurs due to high stress, illness, hormonal imbalances, balding, and aging. With these issues, many times hair loss occurs in the area of the crown of the head, and a crown topper can easily remedy hair loss in this area. Crown toppers provide both added volume and length and are a simple alternative to a complete and long extension.
They are lightweight and seamless and are attached through a breathable mess extension that snaps into place. They are made of 100 percent human, hand-tied (Remy) hair. Remy hair is thought to be the best quality human hair as the hair cuticles remain in place, and the hair is put together in such a way that the actual hair strands are aligned in their original direction of growth.
10. Making your own Extensions
Many people like the idea of making their own extensions. They thought of a less expensive alternative is tempting. Creating your own extension does require some research and finding the right hair provider that can help you with a matching length, texture, thickness, and hair type. Consulting with a stylist should probably be the first step, but there are sites that can give you instructions for the process.